Wednesday, October 22, 2008


We have narrowly survived our computer crash, but still can't find our camera software... Luckily there hasn't been a whole lot going on around here. School, hanging at the house and a couple of birthday parties, life around here has been cruising right along.

Halloween is on its way, Ella James (as she has told me that she now wants to be referred to) is going to be a snow angel and Micah is going to be spiderman, pictures soon! Last week we decided to make some Halloween cookies. Being that I am no fun, I went online to look for a "healthy" cookie to make. I came up with these peanut butter cookies, I think they tasted more like a dog biscuit, but we slapped some frosting on them and the kids love them!

Here are our creations:

Micah working on his:
Ella James decorating:
The weather in Truckee has been gorgeous lately. We have been trying to spend as much time outside before we are inundated by snow for the season. On Monday after school I took the kids for one of my favorite hikes in Martis Valley. Here are the kids by the creek:
The kids hiking, yes Micah is wearing pink pants! He had a playdate with his friend Hayden who insisted on giving him some clothes that she didn't fit into anymore and she is much smaller than him. So he is actually wearing tight pink pants and her green shirt... hey at least he has clothes on!
At the beginning of the hike:

The kids and Guyute:
Soccer season is over and we had the soccer party for the girls at the Blue Coyote. Here are the Yellow Jackets (Ella James, Kiara, Zoe, Carly and Isabella) with their trophies. They had a great season and we aren't supposed to keep score, but I think you could say that they won more than they lost.

Still working on the computer thing, hopefully it will be all straightened out soon!


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