On Saturday we had Ella's 1st ballet recital. The auditorium was standing room only, filled with parents and little girls in tutus, complete chaos. Ella's class danced to "Pink Elephants on Parade" from Dumbo. I tried last night to upload a video of their performance, but so far I am unsuccessful. For now here are some shots.
Ella in costume before her performance:
The row of costumed little girls and a glimpse of the chaos:
Ella and her class:
Ella getting ready to go on stage:
Micah loved having my brother Mike around all week. He thinks Mike is the coolest and loves having someone so willing to play with him all the time. Here they are playing around at Northstar, we went up to see Cliff and check out the final day of the Tour de Nez:
On Sunday morning I woke up to find this on my couch:
Sunday afternoon Ella had a birthday party at West End Beach. We all went to hang on the beach for a few hours. Since the birthday party was mostly boys and Ella is in a NO BOYS faze, she spent most of her time on the beach playing with Micah and Uncle Mike (don't tell her they are boys too!). She did go over to the party for cake though!
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