Monday, June 16, 2008

Happy Dad's Day!

The weather has finally turned nice and we decided that camping would be a great way to spend Father's Day weekend. Since gas is $4.79 a gallon up here, we decided to keep things local and head over to Donner Lake for some camping and boating in our own backyard this weekend. The weather was gorgeous and we had lots of good friends come with was a great weekend! Here are the highlights:

The kids with their daddy at our campsite:

Micah riding his bike, stationary bike. His back tire was high centered, but it didn't stop him from riding in place....for quite a while, getting in a good workout is important to him:

Sutter and Oscar joined us for Friday night:

Classic camping shot:
On the beach we found a wounded dragonfly. He was happy to pose for pictures:

The kids and Oscar going for a boat ride:
On Saturday Oscar and Sutter had to leave us, but the Hatcher family came to hang out for the second night. With gas prices so high, the girls found a cheaper way to get a ride around the lake. Here is the Hatcher's golden named Tango pulling Summer around:

And Ella:
After a long day at the beach, it was time to head back to the campsite for dinner and a campfire. After a yummy cheeseburger and sausage BBQ we roasted marshmallows and made s'mores. After the first one it turned into a marshmallow free -for-all, who has time to wait for graham crackers and chocolate?:
Here is Summer enjoying hers:
And Ella:
Sunday morning we woke up and had a breakfast burrito Father's Day breakfast and then it was back to the beach. Here are the girls getting ready:
We keep an old surf board on the boat to pull around. Being that it is still June and the water is still only 64 degrees (brrrrr!) the girls decided to do their surfing in the lagoon on the other side of the beach. Here they are surfing Donner Lake style:
Summer's big brother Ethan joins the group:
Since there are no waves, we had to have the Dad's pull them around:
Micah didn't like having to wait for his turn, so he created his own surfboard. It was a floating seat cushion, but it kept him happy in his own little world:
Here is everybody loaded up for the trip back across the lake to take the boat out. 4 kids, 3 dogs and 2 dads. Karen and I had to drive the cars around:
Here are the kids on their final journey home:

We all had a great time! Hopefully there will be lots more camping this summer!


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