Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Merry Christmas! To get in the holiday spirit we decided to have a gingerbread house decorating party. We baked lots of gingerbread and mixed lots of frosting and I think that they turned out pretty well. Ella invited 4 friends over and the girls LOVED it! I was blown away at how long they worked on them. We will definately have to do it again next year.
Here is Ella' friend Reaghen with her house:
Ella's friend Summer with hers

A close-up of Ella's house
Here we are hard at work

Ella and her creation
Cora loading up the roof with candy. She later had some structural damage, too many hershey kisses on the roof!
Once again Ella's preschool had their Reindeer Roundup. It amazes me that they get all of the kids up on stage and to say lines and sing on cue... I can barely get mine to say please! Here is a group shot.
Ella was a present this year, there she is by the tree. And a big improvement from last year, she smiled and sang ALL of the songs!
Ella's friend Summer was the star of the show, Drifty the snowman. She did a great job! Here she is in her starring performance.
Micah was glued to the performance
More of our little present
Happy Holidays!

It's the holidays and we have been busy! After a long time of walking around in the forest and climbing through manzanita we found our tree. Here is Ella in front of it...

To make the holidays more festive we FINALLY got some snow on the ground! The kids have been very excited about the snow this year and like to spend as much time as possible outside playing in it.

The kids are at such a fun age for Christmas this year. Ella was very into decorating the tree, she kept telling me that I needed to buy more ornaments so she could decorate everyday. Everyday we try to wait paitently for Santa, but boy is it hard!

We finally took the kids ice skating. Northstar has a great rink with fire pits and lots of hot cocoa. We headed on up with the Hatcher family (below is Ella's friend Summer) Ella is hooked, absolutely loved skating. Micah was happier running around the outside of the rink chasing her!

Here is Ella with her favorite friend Summer.

Happy Holidays!

Its cold outside, but the snow isn't here yet. So we go for a lot of hikes. Down by the river or in the meadow near our house, we love to go outside and see what kind of animals we can find!
Down by the Truckee River

Another good cold weather activity. Lots of painting going on!

Here we are on another hike by our house, the kids got to have their KinderEggs, brought to us from Germany from Frank's mom Ricci. They are the kids new favorite treat!

See ya!